Like many in the seafood industry, my career path has been shaped by a deep-rooted passion for the ocean and a commitment to driving positive change in the way we interact with it.
Over 20 years ago, I first arrived in New Zealand and into the world of fisheries and aquaculture, captivated by the sheer beauty and complexity of the underwater world and the value it continues to provide. My early career was dedicated to research and analysis, striving to understand important interfaces between sustainable seafood practices, economic development, transparency, and the need to protect marine resources for future generations.
Over that time, I’ve been able to work across four continents and hundreds of marine farms, fishing vessels, seafood factories and businesses. I’ve seen some of the most awful and some of the most awesome things. Indeed, I’ve come face to face with child labour, sexism, greed, corruption and destruction. But more often than not, I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the most inspiring, intriguing, hardworking and passionate humans on the planet.
For me, there is nothing more rewarding than the opportunities I’ve had to collaborate with diverse stakeholders, from government agencies and research institutions to industry leaders and indigenous communities. I have met individuals around the world who live and breathe blue, where the prosperity of their business is intricately linked to the wellbeing of their community and the health of the ocean that provides for them.
My transition to Moananui last year marked a pivotal moment in my career, as I embraced the opportunity to lead an organization dedicated to fostering innovation and collaboration from within New Zealand’s blue economy.
Our work through Moananui is unashamedly bold. Our tagline is: Big Ocean. Big Opportunity. Big Responsibility. That pretty much sums it up!
As CE, I’m responsible for facilitating the intersection of science, industry, and government, working tirelessly to harness the vast economic potential of the ocean through the work of our partnership. We cover everything from aquaculture and renewable energy to blue tech and bio tech to research and engineering. No two days are ever the same – and I love that.
Being asked to join this cohort of women again is a humbling recognition of the work we have all dedicated ourselves to. The success of ‘Women in Seafood’ is also testament to the unique vision women bring to our industry.
As I look ahead, I am filled with optimism and determination. The challenges facing our oceans are immense, but so too are the opportunities for positive change. With continued collaboration, innovation, and a shared commitment to stewardship, I am confident that we can navigate the blue horizons towards a brighter and more sustainable future for all.

It is a true privilege to be profiled alongside such amazing and successful women in our seafood industry. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined this!
I grew up in the America Heartland, surrounded by cornfields, baseball and John Deer tractors. It was literally as far from an ocean as you could get. In my early 20s, driven by a boundless curiosity (and a bit of luck!), I end up on the other side of the world working as a fisheries analyst for the Ministry of Fisheries in Nelson.
I was completely out of my depth as a young, foreign, blonde, single woman who knew nothing about fishing….absolutely nothing. But somehow through bumps, bruises, hurdles and hurrahs, I became completely captivated by the environment, structures and people that have created, led and shaped our industry. I threw myself into learning every little detail I could about it.
That curiosity has persisted for nearly 15 years now, and taken me to some of the most stunning parts of New Zealand and all around the world. I have had an incredible range of experiences and roles; from managing aquaculture allocations in Nelson to auditing tuna supply chains in southern Thailand to developing responsible labour standards for fishing vessels in Brussels. I’ve sat on both sides of the regulatory table here in New Zealand. I’ve represented and advocated on behalf of the seafood industry, including serving as an industry expert in Parliamentary Select Committee hearings and the High Court of New Zealand. I later served as a Principal Advisor for MPI. My international clients range from independent fishermen in remote Russian villages to McDonald’s Corporation in Chicago, USA. I’ve walked through countless fish factories, vessels and offices on three separate continents.
It is effectively a career built on understanding how the regulatory, operational and market aspects of New Zealand’s fishing industry fit into global seafood supply chains. It is a constantly evolving field due to constant changes both here at home and around the world. There’s never a dull moment or ever a time where I will have all the answers!
I now have my own consulting company, JansenCampbell, specialising in the design, development and implementation of sustainability, traceability and certification programmes for primary industries. My favourite projects are those that support the sustainable growth of the seafood industry, particularly on a sector-wide basis, and the collective efforts we can pursue to support the reputation and premiumisation of New Zealand seafood.
The New Zealand seafood industry has an amazing, captivating story to tell. I’m so proud to be a small part of it.
Jodie Campbell

By Donna Wells

FinestKind Limited
137 Vickerman Street,
Port Nelson, New Zealand
Phone: +64 3 545 6964
Mobile: +64 27 243 1282
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